Gut Instinct highlighted CATALYZE HER’s fundraiser for the LA fire victims with Juneshine, Mutual Aid LA, ShowRunHer, and Bizly
Growing Pains has received critical acclaim– read the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.
Film Threat, a media publication that champions independent film, reviews Growing Pains.
The International Screenwriting Association highlighted Catherine Argyrople as a keynote speaker.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the leading cancer research organization in the country, highlighted Catherine’s authenticity portrayal of childhood cancer and mental health.
Film Obsessive, a cinema review platform, covers Growing Pains.
Northeastern Global News spotlighted Catherine and her experience producing Growing Pains, following her graduation from NEU.
WickedLocal published a spotlight article about Catherine and Growing Pains, turning her experience as a childhood cancer survivor into her art.
Nielsen and Studio System’s for the Diversity Spotlight presented at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival.
Growing Pains was awarded the prestigious ReFrame Stamp by The Sundance Institute and Women in Film for gender-balanced hiring. The stamp is given to films that have demonstrated gender-balanced hiring, with women and underrepresented gender identities in at least four of the eight key roles– including writer, director, producer, lead, co-leads, and department heads.
The Hollywood Reporter published an article about the RespectAbility 2023 Entertainment Lab. RespectAbility is a non-profit that seeks to combat stigmas for people with disabilities through advocacy and building the talent pipeline.
47Magazine, a NYC based Gen-Z magazine, highlighted Catherine’s work as a young independent filmmaker and her authentic approach to showcasing female coming-of-age stories.